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Several years ago, the first time I participate a Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare local offline tournament, I’m so glad that I can join the epic event (at least for me) even my team are lose at the first match, I’m really glad that I can feel the intense feeling when the match started and watch other ‘imba’ team to play, so much fun to watch them play.

When I watch my cousin’s team, there are a lot of people watch the match, not only friends or someone that understand about the game, but other passers by also watch the match. There is a father and his daughter also watching the game, I overheard their conversation, the daughter says “Pa, mereka keren ya”(dad, they are really cool is it”) while she’s point at the Headsets that the players use, and her dad just nod at it. Well, I don’t know but I feel really glad that kid also have their own opinion for something, especialy for people like us, gamers, she told that we are cool. When I heard that, I really feel proud that I’m the one of them, competitive gamers, kids loves us, I really appreciate people that appreciate me and my community, even kids. I hope I can say thanks to that kid, but I think I can’t do that, her dad will think that I’m a pedophile shit or something. Or even maybe he think I’m a retarded.

I’m just thinking that most people don’t understand us, even when kids told them that we’re cool. Well basically I like how kids thinking about something. Their mind is really simple, not like adult, always talking ass like they knew everything that best for everyone. Adult never trust kids, so adult always said to their self to ignore what kids told them, even if the kids was right. People that don’t understand about our world will never understand, they don’t want to understand and don’t care about it, so they’ll never understand it, even the young one. I’m really sure that father of his lovely daughter will never let his daughter to be like one of us.

I have an example here, I have an acquaintance that really really don’t appreciate what gamers do, when she hears and knows about what I and her son doing when attending the tournament, she says “ngapain sih maen game, kayak ga ada kerjaan laen”(what the heck are you people doing about playing games, don’t you have anything to do beside it). Well, I’m really pissed off back then. I could tell her that her work are useless too. She don’t respects us at the first place. Well, she’s not an usual person, she’s a government officials, a clever and brilliant at her school, she’s really educated, she’s finished a master school and shit, she’s really really freakin rich, she has fancy cars and other fancy things, but she act like she’s not an educated person. As I know, educated person will have feeling to appreciate others, that’s what educated peoples do, appreciate something. Because educated people are meant to be a wise people, it is wise to appreciate others. Not only they knew about law or their schools subject, but also they knew about how to live and interact with other people nicely.

Well, I don’t know what I’m saying here, I just write what I think about it a long time ago. I just hope that people will appreciate us more, at least they think that we are cool, just like that kid. I’m hoping that in this world, everybody can appreciate others, whatever they do as long as what they do aren’t wrong or harm others.


  1. Everybody can appreciate others ~~ agree. Whatever that me or you or us and them doing like us (gamers or any others) as long as they have a mutual respect, we will never feel any oppression. If they just think this stuff is shit and we’re (gamers) proud doing this fucking shit. Viva gamers. πŸ˜€

  2. butuh waktu di negara kita ini untuk menghargai gamer πŸ™‚

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